
Mini Speckled Woodlice Pre-pack


Looking for efficient vivarium custodians? Look no further than our Mini Speckled Woodlice! These soil isopods are soft-bodied, fast-moving, and an ideal prey for reptiles and amphibians. Here’s why they’re a must-have:

  1. Natural Cleaners: Mini Speckled Woodlice excel at tidying up your vivarium. They feast on leaf litter and decaying matter, keeping your enclosure spick and span.
  2. Reproduction Champions: As long as they have a variety of leaf litter and rotting material, these woodlice will happily reproduce. Beware if you have particularly voracious occupants—they might snack on the newcomers!
  3. Calcium Boost: Not only are they a tasty food source, but Mini Speckled Woodlice are also rich in calcium. Your reptiles and amphibians will benefit from this essential nutrient.
  4. Terrarium Aeration: Thriving in tropical-style terrariums, these woodlice diligently turn over the substrate. This natural aeration process benefits your plants and overall ecosystem.
  5. Plant-Friendly: Fear not! Mini Speckled Woodlice won’t harm your planted terrarium. They coexist peacefully with your greenery.

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ProRep Beetle Grub (Type B)

Beetle larvae need very specific food in order to survive. Most important to them is the presence of "white fungus", a special fungus that converts undigestible cellulose and lignin into fungus which the beetle larvae can then eat. ProRep Beetle larvae food are specially prepared and are infected with the fungus. Beetle Grub A is made up of prepared, mature broad leaf tree leaf litter and Beetle Grub B consist of hardwood chips infected with the white fungus and allowed to mature. The two types are mixed together in different proprtions depending on the species of beetle being reared.

ProRep Beetle Grub (Type A)

Beetle larvae need very specific food in order to survive. Most important to them is the presence of "white fungus", a special fungus that converts undigestible cellulose and lignin into fungus which the beetle larvae can then eat. ProRep Beetle larvae food are specially prepared and are impregnated with the fungus. Beetle Grub A is made up of prepared, mature broad leaf tree leaf litter and Beetle Grub B consist of hardwood chips infected with the white fungus and allowed to mature. The two types are mixed together in different proprtions depending on the species of beetle being reared


Mini Speckled Woodlice: Your Vivarium’s Cleanup Crew

These soil isopods are soft-bodied, fast-moving, and an ideal prey for reptiles and amphibians. Here’s why they’re a must-have:

  1. Natural Cleaners: Mini Speckled Woodlice excel at tidying up your vivarium. They feast on leaf litter and decaying matter, keeping your enclosure spick and span.
  2. Reproduction Champions: As long as they have a variety of leaf litter and rotting material, these woodlice will happily reproduce. Beware if you have particularly voracious occupants—they might snack on your woodlice.
  3. Calcium Boost: Not only are they a tasty food source, but are also rich in calcium. Your reptiles and amphibians will benefit from this essential nutrient.
  4. Terrarium Aeration: Thriving in tropical-style terrariums, these woodlice diligently turn over the substrate. This natural aeration process benefits your plants and overall ecosystem.
  5. Plant-Friendly: Fear not! Mini Speckled Woodlice won’t harm your planted terrarium. They coexist peacefully with your greenery.

To kickstart your own woodlice colony, add some leaf litter to your vivarium. Your reptile habitat will thrive with these little helpers!

Read our guide to Isopod Care

What do you feed your isopods 

Additional information

Weight 0.04 kg