
Pete’s Bio Active Leaf Litter


Leaf litter to use in a bioactive substrate to feed your clean up crew and as a decoration.

For feeding Millipedes and woodlice just add leaves to your substrate.


Using Pete’s Leaf Litter in a bio active terrarium

Once you have set up your drainage layer, barrier layer (terrarium or fleece) and substrate add the leaves. The bioactive leaf litter will break down over time and be eaten by your clean up crew. As this happens they will add important substances and micronutrients to the soil that both your plants and your clean up crew will very much appreciate. Creating a forest floor that will help the natural action of your substrate.

Comprises of either beech, poplar, maple, magnolia, cherry or sycamore leaves or a mixture of these. If you would like a particular type please email before ordering.

Leaf Litter as environmental enrichment

Leaf litter can be used as decoration in just about any situation; snakes love to rummage about in piles of leaves, and so do many ground living geckos. It’s an easy, inexpensive way to try adding environmental enrichment to your pet’s home. Give them a try, you might be surprised at the results!

Using Leaf Litter to feed isopods and Millipedes

Simply mix add the leaves to the substrate and you isopods (woodlice, pillbugs, etc…) and they will get to work! Leaves can be soaked in water before use for species that like a wetter environment such as Dwarf white woodlice .

Bioactive Leaf Litter

Using bioactive leaf litter will to bring your terrarium to life. Providing food and shelter for your clean up crew and enrichment for your pet.


We have been using leaves in store for many years. Our millipedes, woodlice thrive on it! We also use this to provide cover for our snakes and geckos.

If you would like some inspiration on building your bioactive terrarium, visit our instagram or facebook pages.

Additional information

Weight 0.07 kg
Dimensions N/A

25g Bag, 200g Box, 500g Box
